Friday, 6 January 2012

Short Course Location:

Lecture Theatre G25
Department of Earth Sciences
Wills Memorial Building (ground floor)
University of Bristol - Building 26.

Registration Monday 9th of January from 9.30am, first lecture starts 10am.

Course Outline!

Day One:  Hardware
·         Ion sources
·         Mass analysers
·         Detectors
·         Examples of instruments
Ion optics
·         Current and charge
·         Electrostatic and Magnetic Fields
·         Motion of charged particles
·         Mass calibration and magnet control
·         Geometric optics
·         Focusing by electrostatic and magnetic sectors
·         Energy (double) focusing
·         Peak shape
·         Mass resolving power
·         Nuclear mass defect
·         Abundance sensitivity
·         Faraday cups
·         Ion couting

Day Two:  Calibration and Sample Preparation
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Reference Materials part I
Lecture 3: Reference Materials part II
Lecture 4. Methods for measuring U isotopic using TIMS and UF6 Mass spectrometry
Lecture 5. Isotope dilution and tracer calibration (mixed elemental and/or isotopic)
Lecture 6. Principles of sample analyses by microbeam methods (mainly LA-ICP-MS)
Lecture 7. Sample purification by ion exchange

Short Course Dinner: Jamie’s Italian (top floor), 7.30 for 8.00.

Day Three:   Data reduction and Uncertainties
Lecture 1: the language of uncertainty, error, bias, precision, accuracy.  What do they all mean?
Lecture 2:  Measurement uncertainty-some basics
Lecture 3:  Limits of detection, background evaluation and assessing performance
Lecture 4: Uncertainty/error propagation
Lecture 5: Over-determined systems


Some not so light reading...

H.E. Duckworth, R.C. Barber, and V.S. Venkatasubramanian. Mass Spectrometry 2nd ed. Cambridge (1990).

A. Septier. Focusing of Charged Particles. Vols I and II. Academic Press (1967).

M.E. Wieser and J.B. Schwieters. The development of multiple collector mass spectrometry for isotope ratio measurements. Int J. Mass Spectrom.
(2005) 242, 97-115

J.M. Hayes and D.A. Schoeller. High precision pulse counting:
liminations and optimal conditions. Anal. Chem. (1977), 49(2), 306-311.
A. Montaser. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Wiley-VCH (1998).

John F. Rudge, Ben C. Reynolds, and Bernard Bourdon, The Double-Spike Toolbox, Chemical Geology (2009), 265, 420–431